Contents includes just about anything in the home (including garage and outbuildings) belonging to the policyholder or a member of his family living in the same house, or to resident domestic servants. It also includes property that is not owned by the policyholder but for which (s)he is responsible, such as rented property.
Furniture, furnishings, household goods, electrical appliances, food and drink, clothes and money up to a specified limit all count as “contents.” Also included are movable fixtures and fittings, for example, special lighting fittings which would be taken away on removal. Fittings, which would be left in the house, such as built-in furniture, count as part of the ‘buildings’, although fitted carpets are classed as “contents.”
Certain types of property are excluded. The cover applies principally to contents actually inside the home, although there is some cover under a “standard” policy for contents temporarily away from the home. Some policies also include theft of household contents from the garden or immediate vicinity of the home.